Oct. 12 No Wine Day Oct. 13 I joined in the wine tasting party organized by GRN, which is a fine wine importer. ...
Oct. 11 The weather forecast announced that a big typhoon was approaching to Tokyo today. However, fortunately the typ...
Oct. 9 No Wine Day Oct. 10 I cooked dinner. Tomato & Mozzarella Sashimi Salmon & Scall...
Oct. 8 I was invited to a gorgeous lunch from the wine V.I.P. in Japan to celebrate the establishment of my new company...
Oct. 6 No Wine Day Oct. 7 I had to keep a wine drink cutting down. I tasted only one bottle with daimao-sama. ...
Oct. 5 It was the second day in Osaka. I visited to Takamura Wine House in the morning, which is a very popular ...
Oct. 2 No Wine Day Oct. 3 No Wine Day Oct. 4 I took the first train from my home very early in the morning ...
Sep. 30 No Wine Day Oct. 1 We have only three months left in this year. I cooked dinner. Maguro, Avocado an...
Sep. 28 No Wine Day Sep. 29 I joined in an online wine seminar organized by Government of Western Australia. I s...
Sep. 27 I went to Jindai-ji and pray my heart quiet. It seemed that visitors so-so came back. Fortunately...
Sep. 26 I cooked dinner. Madai & Grape Marinade Uni Sashimi Roast Chicken with Mashed Potatoes ...
Sep. 25 I received my health examination result today. It demanded a retest.  The blood test said that myγ-GTP was ...