Sep. 13 Today's dish is Mediterranean Chirashi sushi. Compared to Nigiri Sushi and Sushi Rolls, Chirashi Sushi d...
Sep. 3 There is a rice field about the size of 30 a' in 3-minute walk from my house.   It looks like a good harv...
Aug. 27 No Wine Day 8/28 Today's dish is Mediterranean style Chirashi Sushi. It is a summer staple in my house. ...
Aug. 19 Today, I cooked Temaki-Sushi. Bachi-Maguro, Madai, Sea Bass, Shrimp, Scallops, Inada, Tuna-Mayo, Cucumber ...
Aug. 12 I had a sushi dinner at "Sato" in Shin-Yurigaoka. Sashimi is the best! Saikyo-yaki silver cod ...
Aug. 6 I made Mediterranean-style Chirashi Sushi, which is my standard summer dish. Plenty of basil and pine nut...
Jul. 29 I held a private sushi & Japan Wine party at Shin-Yurigaoka Sato. I always fill my stomach with the ...
Jul. 24 No Wine Day Jul. 25 When I got in the car to go shopping, the thermometer on the dashboard read 41℃. I h...
Jul. 20 Today, it is a summer staple, Chirashi-Sushi a la Mediterranean. Vinegared rice with apple cider vinegar...
Jul. 7 It was a Tanabata dinner, Temaki-Sushi. Temaki-Sushi, it's been a long time. I handled the extra-large m...
Jul. 5 I went to Shin-Yurigaoka and hada nice sushi dinner at Sato. This is my favorite sushi restaurant. The s...
7/3 No Wine Day 7/4 I cooked Mediterranean style Chirashi-Sushi. I cooked a vinegared rice with apple vinegar, a...