Mar. 28 I had one-day trip to Yamanashi with Dai NAITO, who is my son and an intern winemaker. We visited to Mar...
Mar. 25 No Wine Day Mar. 26 I cooked dinner. Sashimi Roast Tuna Tartar Green Salad  ...
Mar. 24 Narcissuses and Spring Starflowers are blooming in my garden. So cute! Sashimi today. 1st ...
Mar. 23 I was a cold day, not so much as yesterday. I went to Yokohama to have some business meeting. On the way to...
Mar. 22 No Wine Day It was a very cold day. I cooked Kimuchi-Nabe. The nabe made me be hot! I tasted ...
Mar. 21 The cherry blossoms in the central Tokyo started blooming. The cherry trees near my home are budding now. ...
Mar. 20 I cooked dinner. Bonito Carpaccio Green Herb Salad Seafood & Mushroom Gratin Ve...
Mar. 19 I cooked dinner, Yakiniku B.B.Q. We had the B.B.Q with my hand made sauce. Very good! 1st ...
Mar. 17 No Wine Day Mar. 18 It was a very, very cold day. As if we returned to the deep winter. I cooked a ...
Mar. 16 After my daily 3km running, I had a walk along a creek near my house. I found a crayfish. I found...
Mar. 15 It was our 36th wedding anniversary today. I had a festive dinner with daimajo-sama at Le Millesimes, a ...
Mar. 13 I found a lot of blooming plum blossoms while out for a walk neighborhood Beautiful !! ...