Dec. 25 I cooked dinner, Temaki-Sushi. Very nice! 1st Chase the Grape Field Blend 2021 2800 yen It is ma...
Dec.23 No Wine Day Dec. 24 I went to Shinjuku with daimajo-sama and had a dinner at Ginger Glass, a modern Vietna...
Dec. 22 I was in charge of a wine seminar at "Toyoko Inn Hotel Chain Manager Convention" held at Grand Nikko Hotel Toky...
Dec. 21 Only 10 days are left in this year. The sashimi today 1st Turckheim Riesling 2019  1830 yen I chose a ...
Dec. 19 No Wine Day Dec. 20 The temperature in my area was -3°C in the morning. Also, you have recording snowf...
Dec. 18 I did a housework all day long instead of daimajo-sama. It was a very busy Sunday. I was tired a lot. ...
Dec. 17 I cooked dinner. Because daimajo-sama has a broken wrist bone, I must cook dinner every day for the time being...
Dec. 16 I had a private wine party at Sato in Shin-Yurigaoka. We bought there very fine Japan wines. Shin...
Dec. 14 Daimajo-sama slipped during a walk and broke her wrist bone. So bad.. No Wine Day Dec. 15 I had a Oden...
Dec. 12 No Wine Day Dec. 13 I went to Kawasaki and had a private dinner with my friend at Lemon, which is fine Ya...
Dec. 9 No Wine Day Dec. 10 I cooked dinner. Tuna, Avocado and Nagaimo Tartar Green Salad  Pork &...
Dec. 8 I had a Kimuchi-Nabe at dinner today. Kimuchi-Nabe is very popular at my home in this season. The reas...