Sep. 14 It was a very hot and humid day in Tokyo. Are we in the middle of September, right? Sashimi Today ...
Sep. 12 No Wine Day Sep. 13 I have a very nice sushi dinner at Sato in Shin-Yurigaoka. The sushi bar i...
Sep. 11 I weeded my garden in the morning. I fought the weed again. I got two big bags of weed. I was so...
Sep. 9 No Wine Day Sep. 10 I got a local-fresh fish. I cook it sashimi. Very good! It was a full...
Sep. 8 After the checkout of the hotel, I went to Hakone Gora Park. I had an experience tea ceremony at the ...
Sep. 6 No Wine Day Sep. 7 It was my birthday. I went to a two-day trip with daimajo-sama. At first, we ar...
Sep. 5 I cooked Seafood Pasta for lunch with the sashimi leftover yesterday's Temaki-Sushi. Very good! ...
Sep. 4 I weeded my garden in the morning. I fought the weed and lawn for two hours. Before After Be...
Sep. 2 No Wine Day Sep. 3 I participated in the grape harvest of Kuratei Winery in Okagami Kawasaki. I wen...
Sep. 1 September has come. Only four months are left now in this year. Time has passed very quickly… I had a s...
Aug. 30 No Wine Day Aug. 31 I cooked a part of dinner. Starter Plate Very good! 1st Truckheim ...
Aug. 29 It was a cool day in Tokyo. I went to Machida and had a nice Yakiniku dinner. It was the first time I h...