Feb. 12 No Wine Day Feb. 13 & 14 I had a private trip to South Africa from midnight today. I arriv...
Feb. 11 I had some meeting dinner at Y.W.C. I have kept to have a restaurant dinner in these days.   However...
Feb. 9 No Wine Day       Feb. 10 It was a long and busy day.   I wet to Kooriyama in early evening. I...
Feb. 8 I had a private dinner party at some Pizzeria in Omotesando.   Both Pizza and all dishes were very...
Feb. 7 I cooked dinner. Sashimi Shirako Vegetables The main d...
Feb. 6 It was a very cold day in Tokyo. 1st Lezirias Samora Blanco 2017 910 yen + tax Actually, I open...
Feb. 4 No Wine Day Feb. 5 I joined to some petit wine party at Y.W.C. We enjoyed very nice dishes and fi...
Feb. 2 No Wine Day Feb. 3 I could approach an Alcedo today. She got a small fish. It was Setsub...
Jan. 31 No Wine Day Feb. 1 Oh! February has already come! I cooked dinner. Clam, Octopus and Tomato Brusc...
Jan. 30 When I walked around a creek near my house, I found an Alcedo, as well. I love her (him?)! I cooked d...
Jan. 29 It is the second day of my ski trip in Hachimantai. When I waked up, I saw a lot of snowing. Then I w...
Jan. 27 No Wine Day         Jan. 28 I went to one-night-two-day ski trip to Hachimantai in Iwate.   I took ...