Nov. 13 I participated in the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary of Saint Marianna University of School of Medicine held ...
Nov. 11 No Wine Day Nov. 12 It was a very warm day even though it was in middle November. I cooked Kikuchi Nab...
Nov. 10 I went to Jindaiji Temple in Chofu. I saw beautiful autumn leaves. It was a very nice visit. ...
Oct. 18 I held the forth wine seminar and wine dinner party following on 14th, 18th October and 2nd November. Th...
Nov. 8 I could see a total eclipse of moon from the window of my living room. I couldn’t take a photo well by my...
Nov. 6 No Wine Day Nov. 7 I cooked dinner, Temaki-Sushi. Very good! 1st Sigei Jozo Suzu Blanc 202...
Nov. 5 We have kept very fine days in Tokyo recently. I cooked dinner. Oysters Maguro Tarutaru Green ...
Nov. 4 Because daomajo-sama was on the trip with her friend, I took a dinner alone at Saizeriya, a casual Italian resta...
Nov. 3 I participated in the wine event of Okagami Nouveau at Kuratei Winery in Kawasaki. Kuratei Winery is a ve...
Oct. 18 I held the third wine seminar and wine dinner party following on 14th and 18th October. The theme was Ja...
Oct. 30 I had a private dinner with Marie & Jose Conde, who are owner of Stark Conde in South Africa. We met...
Oct. 28 No Wine Day Oct. 29 I cooked dinner. It was a Izakaya-Menu at my home. Izakaya is a casual Japan style ...