Oct. 31 It was the first full moon Halloween night in these 46 years! Also, it was the second full moon in this Octobe...
Oct. 29 No Wine Day Oct. 30 I organized and facilitated a winemaker's dinner of Shinshu Takayama Winery at Girand...
Oct. 28 I was still recovering from the tasting event yesterday. 1st Oriol Rossell Xino Xano Xarel-lo Muscat 2019 ...
Oct. 26 No Wine Day Oct. 27 I joined in "California Wine Grand Tasting 2020" organized by California Wine Institu...
Oct. 25 I went to “ il campiello ” again and join in a Halloween dinner concert played by Mr. Yoshiyuki Sisido, who is ...
Oct. 24 I took a re-health check in the morning. The doctor said, " If you want to die by cirrhosis of the liver, you ...
Oct. 22 No Wine Day Oct. 23 No Wine Day I took five straight days of “No Wine Day”. I can’t remember when I t...
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Oct. 18 I was going to have a No Wine Day but I couldn't. I must cut down on drinking but it is difficult... 1s...
Oct. 17 I cooked dinner, Temaki-Sushi. I cut up several fresh fishes, as well. I did a very good job! ...
Oct. 15 No Wine Day Oct. 16 I had a dinner at Trattoria Dai, which is my favorite Italian Restaurant in Machida. I...
Oct. 14 I participated in the wine tasting event by GRN as a member of help stuff. I received over 100 wine profession...