Nov. 21 No Wine Day Nov. 22 I cooked dinner Sashimi Shirako Green Salad Wagyu Beef Steak ...
Nov. 20 “Sommelier 2020/177” has been published from Japan Sommelier Association today. There is the second inst...
Nov. 19 It was the opening day of Beaujolais Nouveau. I am sure that it is one of the best Beaujolais Nouveau in...
Nov. 11 I cooked a chicken rice at lunch. Good! 1st Camino Iberico Viura 2019  1380 yen + tax It is made...
Nov. 9 No Wine Day Nov. 10 It was a very fine day in Tokyo. It snowed in Hokkaido. It's getting near winter...
Nov. 8 I cooked dinner, Temaki-Sushi. Good job!! 1st Katsunuma Jyozo Winery Arugano Koshu 2020  1800 yen ...
Nov. 7 It was the third days of visiting York Mart. Edogawa Store in Nagareyama, Chiba Kashiwanoha Store Ka...
Nov. 5 I would visit to some of the stores of York Mart, which is a supermarket chain and a big client of Relax Wine. ...
Nov. 4 I got a result of my re-health check after one month cut down on wine drinking. γ-GTP  : 166 → 103 Hepatit...
Oct. 28 I was still recovering from the tasting event yesterday. 1st Oriol Rossell Xino Xano Xarel-lo Muscat 2019 ...
Oct. 18 I was going to have a No Wine Day but I couldn't. I must cut down on drinking but it is difficult... 1s...
Oct. 14 I participated in the wine tasting event by GRN as a member of help stuff. I received over 100 wine profession...