Jun. 9 No Wine Day Jun. 10 I went to Enoshima Island afternoon. It takes less than one hour from my home to Enos...
May 11 No Wine Day May 12 I had a two-day trip to Hakone to celebrate daimajo-sama’s birthday. We went to ...
May 4 No Wine Day May 5 I went to Enoshima Island afternoon. I visited to Enoshima Shrine. Th...
Arp. 16 The rain has stopped. I visited to Enoshima Island afternoon and had an early dinner at Island Grill in ...
Apr. 1 April has come. I went to Odawara to watch Iryuda Shidare-Sakura, which is a famous old-big cherry tree aged ov...
Mar. 16 No Wine Day Mar. 17 I had a business trip to Koriyama. After an important business meeting. ...
Jan. 21 It was the second day of my Hakone trip. I moved to Marazuru Point from Hakone. I went on a date here w...
Jan. 20 I went to an overnight trip to Hakone. I saw an extraordinary beautiful Mt. Fuji view from Mt. Daikan. ...
Jan. 2 No Wine Day Jan. 3 I went to Kamakura and visited to Hase Temple. It is my annual event in New Year. ...
Nov. 23 I took a day-off in Fukushima. After I had a walk in Bandai Atami Onsen in the morning, I moved to Koriyama ...
Nov. 10 I went to Jindaiji Temple in Chofu. I saw beautiful autumn leaves. It was a very nice visit. ...
Oct. 2 I went to Kamakura late afternoon. I had a nice dinner at Taverna Rondino in Inamura-ga-saki. It i...