Working at the Vineyards of Kobe Wine

Jun. 14

It was a working day of Hakutsuru Wine Project with Kobe Wine.



The members gathered at Inji Vineyards of Kobe Wine in the morning.  



We did a canopy management for grape vines.

We cut the tree tops and drew in them to the wires.



It was a hard job.

I think we did a good job.



Then we moved to the main vineyards in Fruits Park.



There were two goats to eat weeds on the vineyard.



We worked at the vines of Cabernet Sauvignon.



We got rid of weeds and unwanted leaves.



It was a hard job, too.










Then we moved to the cellar and tasted some brand-new wines.




They are very nice.

I was sure that the quality of Kobe Wine has got better recently.



Before I took the shinkansen train to Tokyo, I dropped at The Hakutsuru Shop in Mikage.





The shop will be remodeled soon.

I may support the remodeling.



Finally, I went back to Tokyo.



I took a delicious Ekiben, a good wine and a nice ice cream on the train.




I think I did a good job today!!