Temaki-sushi with Jose

Nov. 1

I received Mr. Jose Conde, who is the owner & winemaker of Stark-Conde in South Africa.




After a business meeting, I invited him to my home Temaki-sushi party.




Dr. Mitsui and his wife joined us as usual.




Temaki-sushi was so delicious as usual.


The family of Dr. Mitsui Jr. also joined us in midstream.

It became a rolling party.




We tasted a lot of bottles, a lot of rare wines.




It is a surprising vintage of Chateau Pichon Laland, isn’t it?

It was just only still alive.




Suprisingly, Les Ami de L’ Abbaye 2005, which is made by DRC, was so delicious.


Thank you very much for everybody.

Good job!