Oct. 14 Oct. 16 I visited to Yamanashi and guided my clients to my favorite fine wineries and vineyards. It was t...
Oct. 13 I joined in some old boys private dinner party. We often gather before but we didn't see each other for a long...
Oct. 11 No Wine Day I tasted a bottle of Chardonnay juice made by Kobe Wine from the harvest this year. I c...
Oct. 9 I put off the plastic shades from the grapes. Because I grow the Cabernet for ornamental purpose, I w...
Oct. 8 Finally, the state emergency was lifted. I went to Les Millesimes, a fine French restaurant in Tamaga...
Oct. 6 No Wine Day I received the result of my health check last week. Unfortunately, the liver function has got ...
Oct. 5 I had a one-day business trip to Toyama. It has not snowed on Tateyama Mountains. I jo...
Oct. 4 I cooked Ramen at lunch using Sashimi left over Temaki-Sushi yesterday. Very good! 1st Hol...
Oct. 3 It was day-off today. After the morning 3 km running, I weeded my garden for two hours. I forgot to drink wate...
Oct. 1 No Wine Day Oct. 2 I cooked dinner. Prosciutto Green Salad Seafood Doria ...
Sep. 30 September come to an end. You have only three months in this year. The state of emergency will be lifted tomo...
Sep. 29 Recently, I don’t have any memory, when, how I went to bed except No Wine Day. Dangerous? 1st Cesco...