Sep. 5 When I walked around near home, I found a cloud like a poodle. I cooked parts of dinner only starters. ...
Aug. 31 No Wine Day Sep. 1 September !!! The main dish at the dinner today was Samma! It was the first Samma ...
Aug. 30 I found an alcedo in the morning, as well. So cute! 1st Turckheim Riesling 2018  1750 yen + tax ...
Aug. 29 I found an Alcedo at the creek near mu home, as well. She flies! 1st Turckheim Sylvernar 20...
Aug. 25 I found an Alcedo at the creek near my home, as well. Jump! Get! It is difficult to find at my...
Aug. 21 Because of the covid-19 and the extreme heat, I have stayed at home almost all days in this week. I cooked a...
Aug. 21 I am still recovering from the weed yesterday. My every morning running got cut off today. Then I could work ...
Aug. 19 I weeded my garden from 6 a.m. Even though the early morning, the temperature was already over 30℃. The 2 hou...
Aug. 16 It recorded over 40℃ temperature throughout the country. It was really dangerous. 1st Domaine Pech ...
Aug. 13 I went to Shinjuku and had a business meeting at some skyscraper building. Then I saw a thunderstorm at the to...
Aug. 10 I found an Alcedo at the creek near my home. I very often saw Alcedo bird last year but I couldn't find her in...
Aug. 6 I had a several business meetings in the central area of Tokyo. I walked a lot under the burning sun. I was so...