Mar. 28 No Wine Day Mar. 29 Even though the cherry blossoms are blooming, it was a very cold day today. Today’...
Mar. 28 I had one-day trip to Yamanashi with Dai NAITO, who is my son and an intern winemaker. We visited to Mar...
Mar. 25 No Wine Day Mar. 26 I cooked dinner. Sashimi Roast Tuna Tartar Green Salad  ...
Mar. 24 Narcissuses and Spring Starflowers are blooming in my garden. So cute! Sashimi today. 1st ...
Mar. 23 I was a cold day, not so much as yesterday. I went to Yokohama to have some business meeting. On the way to...
Mar. 21 The cherry blossoms in the central Tokyo started blooming. The cherry trees near my home are budding now. ...
Mar. 20 I cooked dinner. Bonito Carpaccio Green Herb Salad Seafood & Mushroom Gratin Ve...
Mar. 17 No Wine Day Mar. 18 It was a very, very cold day. As if we returned to the deep winter. I cooked a ...
Mar. 16 After my daily 3km running, I had a walk along a creek near my house. I found a crayfish. I found...
Mar. 15 It was our 36th wedding anniversary today. I had a festive dinner with daimajo-sama at Le Millesimes, a ...
Mar. 13 I found a lot of blooming plum blossoms while out for a walk neighborhood Beautiful !! ...
Mar. 12 I weeded my garden in the morning. It was the first weeding in this season. I fought the weeds for two ...