Mar. 7 No Wine Day Mar. 8 I was invited to some wine tasting dinner at Mitsui Club in Tsunamachi. We...
Feb. 27 I participated in some wine tasting party. The main event today was the comparing three super-rare Pinot...
Feb. 25 It was the second day in Kumamoto. I went to Kumamoto Castle in the morning. Kumamoto Castle is one of ...
Feb. 23 No Wine Day Feb. 24 I had a two-day business trip to Kumamoto in Kyushu Island. I arrived at Kumam...
Feb. 5 I went to Katsunuma Yamanashi with my son. At first, we had nice local foods on lunch. Then ...
Dec. 29 No Wine Day Dec. 30 My son and his wife came home from Osaka. We had a family wine dinner party. I co...
Dec. 16 I had a private wine party at Sato in Shin-Yurigaoka. We bought there very fine Japan wines. Shin...
Sep. 19 I held a private Japan wine tasting party at my home. We shared to cook dinner. Sashimi Goya Champ...
Sep. 11 I weeded my garden in the morning. I fought the weed again. I got two big bags of weed. I was so...
Aug. 18 I invited to old-local friends of daimajo-sama at home and held a lunch party. I cooked the lunch. ...
Jul. 31 I organized a lunch party with old friends of daimajo-sama at my home. They are the class mate mothers of my s...
Jul. 24 I organized a private wine tasting lunch with Mr. Osanai, who is a vineyard owner & grape grower he is my o...