Jul. 8
It was the third day in Kyushu and the second day for Marubishi Food Business Exhibition.
We received a lot of gu...
Jul. 7
I moved to Kumamoto from Nagasaki by a high way bus and arrived at Grand Messe Kumamoto.
I had a wine booth at ...
Jun. 6
I have a business trip to Kyushu Island in this week.
I took a flight down to Nagasaki at first.
I wen...
Jun. 23
It was the second day in Languedoc but virtually it is the first day here.
The purpose of the tour is inspection...
Jun. 24
It was the third day in Languedoc.
We went to Chateau Canet in Minervois and tried a professional tasting.
Jul. 4
It has took a week after I came back from France.
I still have some jet-lag.
I still have many paper works.
Jun. 30 No Wine Day
Jul. 1 No Wine Day
Jul. 2 No Wine Day
Jul. 3
After three straight no wine days, I got a...
Jun. 27
I came back home at late night from France.
The first meal in Japan was Sashimi.
I didn't drink any wine in the...
Jun. 26
Time pasts so first!
It was the last day for our Languedoc wine tour.
We went to Chatea...
Jun. 25
It was the fourth day in Languedoc.
We went to Cave de Roquebrun in Saint-Chinian in the morning.
There were nin...