8/2 お料理当番。 鯵のたたきと、スルメイカのお刺身 グリーンサラダ 豚ヒレ肉とリンゴのソテー ブルーベリーソース リンゴは長野産の新物、もう採れるんですね。 1本目 ア...
Jul. 31 No Wine Day  Aug. 1 Really? We have already gone into August? I can’t believe it. 1st Cescon Sauvignon 20...
Jul. 30 I joined to a wine party at Yurakucho Wine Club. The member of Languedoc wine tour in 2015 gathered there. W...
Jul. 29 I was in the home alone. I tasted only one bottle. 1st Marquis de Beau Rond Sauvignon Blanc 2015 830 yen It is...
Jul. 27 No Wine Day Jul. 28 The Meteorological Agency said, the rainy season finally ended. I cooked dinner....
Jul. 26 We received Mr. Ben Darbyshire, who is the export manager of Artiga Fustel in Penedes Spain. After a business me...
Jul. 25 After I came back home, I cooked dinner “Temaki-Suhi”. That’s so nice. 1st Tsuno Wine Private Reserve Sauvig...
Jul. 23 No Wine Day Jul. 24 It was the first day of our outlet sale in July. We received a lot of customers as usua...
Jul. 22 It was very cool in Tokyo even though it was in late July. 1st Oriol Rossell Cuvee Especial NV 1390 yen It’s...
Jul.  21 I joined some gorgeous wine party organized by my private wine friends.   I had cooked seafood dishes at home...
7/20  Jul. 20 It was a not good day. I had many bad things today. 1st Gassan Winery Koshu 2015 We received the new v...
Jul. 19 I joined to some gorgeous wine party at some good view restaurant.     I enjoyed fine Champagne, white win...