Feb. 17 It was the first day of Cave de Relax Outlet Sale. We sold slight package damaged wines. ...
Feb. 15 No Wine Day Feb. 16 I cooked dinner. It was the third time I had cooked dinner in th...
Feb. 14 I cooked dinner. Maguro, Nagaimo and Avocado Tartar Shirako Green Salad Roast Chicken w...
Feb. 13 I joined in some late new-year party in a local. Four my old friends gathered at some Japanese restaurant in S...
Feb. 12 I cooked dinner. Sashimi Green Salad Beef Steak Very ...
Feb. 11 I went to Kooriyama in Fukushima afternoon. I had a business meeting at York Benimaru head office. Then...
Feb.10 I completely recovered. I could taste wine for the first time in three days. 1st La ...
Feb. 7 I had a hard stomach pain and upset in the early morning. Because I had a important business meeting in the mor...
Feb. 6 It was the second day in Nagano ski trip. The weather was not so good but the slope was better than yesterday. ...
Feb. 5 I went to a two-day ski trip to Shiga-Kogen in Nagano. It was the third time I had come here in this season. ...
Feb. 3 No Wine Day   Feb. 4 It was the last day in the year by Chinese Calendar. It was very warm...
Feb. 2 I cooked dinner, Temaki-Sushi. So delicious! 1st Marusan Winery Koshu Hyaku 2017 1520 yen Mr. Wakao, th...