May 30I still have kept a jet lag.Actually, I have a not only jet lag but also something different damage from the trip ...
May 28No Wine DayMay 29I still had a big damage from the Portugal Wine Tour last week.I was so sleepy and felt a pain at...
May 27After the arriving at Narita Airport in the morning, I finally came home afternoon.I didn’t sleep for 46 hours exc...
May 26I took Air France to Tokyo via Paris.Jose picked up us at 3:45 am at our hotel.I gave up a sleeping last night and...
May 25The hotel, we arrived at last mid night, is a historical structure built in 13th Century. It was so luxury.However...
May 24It was rainy on the fourth day of Portuguese Wine Tour.We stayed a gorgeous resort hotel, which we arrived at last...
May 23It was the third day of our grueling wine tour.At first, we went to the head office of Vinhos Dao Wines.The four w...
May 22It was the second day in Portugal.After a breakfast at the winery, we drove up the Douro liver.There are so many v...
May 21It was the first day of our Portugal Wine Tour.All of the tour members gathered at our hotel in Port.The members a...
May 19No Wine DayMay 20I will have a winery tour in Portugal for 5 days from tomorrow invited by Wine of Portugal.The it...
May 18I cooked dinner.Isaki CarpaccioGreen SaladSeafood GratinVery good!1st Antugnac La Closerie des Lys Les Fruitieres ...
May 18I will have a business trip to Portugal from next Sunday for eight days.Before the foreign trip, I am always very ...