Mar. 8
No Wine Day
I have an annual health checkup on the 11th, so I started my third consecutive No Wine Day
from today.
It’s a last-minute struggle.
Mar. 9
No Wine Day
On days when I don’t drink wine, I often have freshly cooked rice, but I am also running a three-day white rice stand in order to lose as much weight as possible before my health checkup.
When I was a student, an overnight cramming was the default for me, but even at the age of 65, it has not changed.
It’s a bad idea.
This is the cooking of the two days.
Salmon, Mozzarella, Strawberry and Broccoli Salad
Baked Vegetables
Steamed Salmon in Wine
Roast Chicken
It’s a pity that I can’t drink wine.