Kagurazaka Wine Stand “et du vin”

Jun. 12

In the evening, I went to Kagurazaka.

I visited to Kagurazaka Wine Stand “et du vin” in Akagi Motomachi.



It is a standing wine bar opened by Mr. Yuya Matsuda, a senior sommelier who is an old friend, in March this year.



Mr. Matsuda is the first manager of the Yurakucho Wine Club, which opened in 2012.

Yurakucho Wine Club is a wine bar with my wineshop in old days, and we shared our struggles and joys together.



Next to the wine bar in the same building is a dog nursery school, and dogs come to the wine bar.



You can enjoy a glass of precious wine that makes you feel the present, mainly natural.

Yes, it’s a lineup that is typical of Mr. Matsuda.



I had a glass of Muller Tourgau from Germany, orange wine from Western Australia, and Pinot Blanc from Alsace.



Yes, they are all precious wines that you can’t usually drink.

I am delighted!



There are also plenty of wine snacks.

His father is the chef, and it seems that it is an original plate made according to that recipe.



“et du vin” was a very fun wine bar unique to Mr. Matsuda.

At this party, we are served the Marquis de Beau Rond. Thank you.



Mr. Matsuda, it was a treat today.

Thank you for your continued support.