Languedoc AOC Wine Tasting

Sep. 14
No Wine Day



Sep. 15
I went to Hotel Happoen and had a wine tasting booth in Languedoc AOC Wine Tasting.






Mr. Beppu, a member of staff and wine specialist in Cave de Relax, supported me.






As soon after the event opening, we received a lot of guests, who were wine professionals.




I have been participating in the event for a long time but I don’t have a memory that we received such many visitors.

I am sure that Languedoc wine has become very popular in Japan.

We kept receiving many visitors during the event.


I was so busy!




I took a memorial photo with Christina, who is the export manager and Mr. Jeanjean, who is the president of CILV.




Fortunately, all of our wines got a very high reputation.

Thank you very much!