It’s different from the usual supermarket prosciutto.

Jul. 15

Today was supposed to be a No Wine Day, but it was canceled.





Seared Bonito



Salad with Prosciutto, Kiwi, Broccoli, Okra and Cherry Tomatoes



Cheese Hamburger Steak



The prosciutto in the salad is jambon de Bayonne.

It’s different from the usual supermarket prosciutto.




1st Katsunuma Winery Argano Vento NV 1,800 yen

It is a white wine made from 100% Koshu from Yamanashi Prefecture.

Come to think of it, it’s been a long time since I’ve drunk Koshu.

I felt clear fruits taste, mild acidity and pleasant minerality.

The pure and natural mouthfeel is pleasing.

Katsujo’s Koshu is delicious.



2nd Cescon Cabernet NV 1,200 yen

I wanted to drink Japan wine for Red, but there was no wine that felt just right.

So, I opened this Japan wine-like Veneto Cabernet.

This Cabernet, with a light touch and a smooth mouthfeel, will take your throat smoothly.

It was perfect for a cheese hamburger.

I’m glad No Wine Day was canceled.