Sep 6 <The mail from Monterey>
It was the second day of California winery tour.
We went to three wineries as official visiting.

Lucas & Lewellen Winery in Santa Lita Hills

Robert Hall Winery in Paso Robles
Hahn Estate in Monterey
While every wineries has just started the harvest, it is mean they are very busy, they really welcomed for our visit.
Actually, for me, it was the most important plan it have done today that I went to J.Lohr Vineyards, which produce our very popular bland " Painter Bridge".
I visited at the winery in Paso Robles leaving the tour temporarily.
Mr. Alberto CUBILLA, International Division, guided me the winery and vineyards.
We had a very nice picnic lunch at the vineyard with drinking the new vintage of Painter Bridge 2004.
The vintage 2004 was really good very much. After I saw the cellar and vineyard.
I tried to taste all range of J.Lohr.
I was sure all of them were outstanding ones. Thank you very much, so much for Alberto !

We had dinner tonight with the member of Monterey wineries association at Hahn Estate.
It was really wonderful dinner. I enjoyed it very much.
It was very significant day for me today and so busy day today.
I enjoyed very much and tired so much.