May 13 I cooked dinner.
Kihada Carpaccio, Tomato & Mozzarella, Aji Acquapazza. It was the first time I have cooked Acquapazza since April 25, I cut my finger.

Rubaiyat Koshu Sur Lie 2004 1585 yen
New arrival
It was long-awaited new arrival. Mr. Omura, owner of the winery, told me " Naito-san, Our Sur Lie the vintage 2004 is very good" before.
I was sure indeed his talking is right. It was a wonderful wine. The volume of the wine was really outstanding as Koshu white.
I felt typical nice style for Koshu grape, very clean and transparent feeling.
I thought this style should be the standard for every Koshu wine. I was sure this was outstanding Japanese wine.

Araldica Dorcetto d'Asti 2003 1000 yen
This was also really tasty. I was enjoyed very much with elegant acidity of this wine. I thought 1000 yen was very reasonable.