Feb 16
I had trip to Fukuoka, northern island in Japan, to hold wine events with in these three days.
First, I went to Wine Restaurant
"gla Vita punto e comma" and had a wine seminar for restaurant owners & staff.
Then I went to French restaurant Ardeur and held a wine dinner party.
I had big successes with both the events.
After the events, I went to Paloma Grill, well known Café Restaurant in Fukuoka ,with our staff and had dinner.
Amazing! Mr. Mori, owner of the restaurant, is a reader for my web diary !
All of the wines on the list of the restaurant were imported by me ! A couple next our table was drinking a Pangolin. I was so pleased.
We drank, Oriol Rossel rose, Pesquie Terrasses, Pangolin Cabernet Sauvignon.
All the dishes were really wonderful.

I really appreciated Mr.Mori and Mr.Itou, our agent member of staff in Kyushuhank you very much.