Jan 23
It was the first day of Cave de Re-Lax's 6th anniversary sales.
Over 60 customers were lined before store opened. I did not think that such a lot of people coming to the sales.
So I was confused.
By the glass tasting of Grand Vin was very well received by attendance. We did not held such a tasting event for long time.
Thanks a lot for all.
Araldica Piemonte Cortese 2003 900 yen
This is not new arraival. This is one of the most popular Itakian white wines in Cave de Re-Lax. Very nice wine. Outstanding value for money.

Araldica Barbera d'Asti 2003 1000 yen new arrival

Colour / Colore: Bright red tending to garnet rim.
Aroma / Profumo: Attractive bright plum and bramble fruit, softened by oak botti.
Palate / Gusto: Medium-bodied, juicy, red-fruited wine, rounded out and more complex from time spent in botti. Spicy, savoury finish.
Region / Zona: The Monferrato hills in the south of the province of Asti, Piemonte. South West aspects at altitudes between 250 and 400m. Limestone-clay soil.
Vineyard / Vigneto: Piemonte low Guyot trellis. Planting density 4,000-4,500 vines/ha.
Wine making / Vinificazione: 5,300 Lt/ha. The fruit was hand harvested from 1st to 5th October. Fermented in stainless steel tanks at 25-30° C using BDX yeast. Pressed when dry and racked to stainless steel tanks for malolactic fermentation. The clear wine was then racked to large traditional Piemonte oak vats for 12 months maturation.

Analysis /
Analisi: Alcohol (%vol) 13
TA (gL-1) 5.6
pH 3.43
RS (gL-1) -
Free SO2(ppm) 15
Total SO2 (mgL-1) 70

Sorry, I stole all coments from the winery web site again.