Nov 27
We had a wine party to celebrate for the birth of "Musashino Cross" , the private wine of International Christian University ( ICU ), at the house of Dr.Maher, who was the mover for the wine. Musashino cross was made by Jose Conde, Stark Conde wines in South-Africa, and imported by Cave de Re-Lax.
The wine was not sold for public, was sold at ICU Shoukudo (restaurant), Alumni and Cadot, wine shop near by the front gate of ICU.
Dr.Maher is the center of the picture and Mrs.Takeuchi, owner of Cadot, is the left at Dr.Maher.
We enjoyed a lot of very nice foods made by Mrs.Maher. There were many children.
Jacque Picard Rose 4000 yen Musashino Cross white 2003 1050 yen Musashino Cross red 2003 1050 yen
Stark Conde Shiraz 2002 2100 yen Stark Conde Cabernet Sauvignon 2002 2100yen
Conde Cabernet Sauvignon 2001 Not for sell Conde Cabernet Sauvignon 2000 Not for sell This was really out standing !

Musashino Cross were very charming, easy to drink, very good balance. A really nice wine !

We had a lot of attractions.
Song and Reading
Mrs.Maher played piano excellently.
Rakugo " Wine Man " by Julian Kai Maher Choreography
and Dance by Sophie Akane Maher
The gentleman next of me was the president of ICU, Dr. Norihiko Suzuki. Oh ! VIP !
I really enjoyed the party. Many thanks for Dr.Maher and the family.