I went to Yamagata, located 400km north of Tokyo,
to have a OJT with staff of York Benimaru, the famous supermarket chain
that big client of mine, at York Benimaru Kahoku store, which is new store
opening soon.
I had a business meeting with Mr.Yaginuma, wine buyer of the chain store,
how to dealing "Beaujolais Nouveau" and "Christmas wine" in this crazy hot

Then I went to York Benimaru Higasine store at the next of Kahoku store.
Mr.Suzuki, the store manager and Ms.Takiguchi, wine manager.
Then we had a dinner at Japanese restaurant " Sanzashi" in Tendou city.
Beer, Sake, Edamame, Sanma, Basashi.... really very nice !

Mr.Ogyu, Kahoku store manager and Mr.Kojima , Kahoku wine manager.
Owner chef and Madam of the restaurant.

Then we went to T's a very cool bar.
A cool and strange, really nice! Owner of the bar "Mamoru-san".
I love Yamagata.