It was the first day of the food exhibition of Marubishi.
So many people came to the exhibition gallery.
I was very happy because I was able to meet many clients
of cave de Re-Lax wine who I had not known before.

After the exhibition, I attended the staff party as usual.
The Marubishi-band, consisted by the member of Marubishi
play a music very well.
I was deeply moved because the wine imported
by Cave de Re-Lax were served at the party.

Then I went to Esquina Copa, really nice-stylish restaurant
with some people of business relations.
Esquina, a client of Cave de Re-Lax, has several restaurants in Kumamoto.

The couple are Ms.Nagasawa, FWINES ( Wine importer),
and Mr.Yoshida, wine division manager of Marubishi. 。
The beauty and the beast !