It was so fine, the first day in Penedes Spain. I went to 4 wineries & a restaurant.
The first winery was Naveran, I often drink in Japan. The size of winery was not so big,
but it was a
very well organized beautiful, wonderful winery.
Mr.Emili Esteve I Punti and Mr.Lluis Esclassans, wine makers of Naveran.
Then I went to Grimau winery.
I met Joan, the partner of Grimau, he is my friend last time we met a year ago in Tokyo.
I had lectures about a grape growing method & philosophy a lot by Mr.Raman Grimau, owner of the winery.
Then we went to Torebranca, a beautiful winery Joan bought last year, to have a
big lunch together.
The vineyard is operated by organic method.Joan has been rebuilding the Chateau, and expending the vineyard.
Anyway, even though Joan and I have had a relationship for 4 years, I didn't know he was a partner of Grimou,
" I thought he was a salesman of it", and was a rich man having his own another winery !
Then we went to Castelloy, Cellar Cooperation Vilafranca, which makes our private wine "Villa Anita".
Mr.& Mrs.Quer, Marti & Miyuki are friends of mine have took care me very much for my staying here.
I was surprised that the winery was operated by the latest technology.
Then we went to a fashionable wine restaurant "La Fabrica", owned by Marti & Miyuki to have a dinner, was outstanding !I had a lot of cuisine including amazing Sushi made by Spanish rice and Mediterranean Sashimi.
They were real nice Sushi ! I was surprised, surprised, surprised today by a lot of things.
I was sure that "Seeing is believing !"Please expect more details of visiting Europe of mine at the diary coming later !

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