My mobile-phone was broken. I went to the mobile-phone shop near my house.
Then I was very surprised that there were no mobile-phone without a camera.
Every mobile the shop sells has a camera. I had thought " I need not mobile
with camera for me.", and I had decided " I am nevergoing to buy a mobile
with camera." But it was impossible. I have got a new mobile phone withcamera.
It is very nice. Then I have decided that I am going to verysurprised when I meet
any my friends who don't have a mobile with camera.
1st Secret white 4
It continued to taste for the big new private bands. This is ordinal wine.
I don't buy this one.

2nd Secret red 4
I didn't think that I should pick up this one when I read the statement.
But I was amazed. This is so great. Impressive, impressive and impressive.
Very concentrated and excellent. This one exceed any sample I have taste in this
week by far. I have changed my mind to buy this one.