8/2 お料理当番。 鯵のたたきと、スルメイカのお刺身 グリーンサラダ 豚ヒレ肉とリンゴのソテー ブルーベリーソース リンゴは長野産の新物、もう採れるんですね。 1本目 ア...
Jul. 27 No Wine Day Jul. 28 The Meteorological Agency said, the rainy season finally ended. I cooked dinner....
Jul. 25 After I came back home, I cooked dinner “Temaki-Suhi”. That’s so nice. 1st Tsuno Wine Private Reserve Sauvig...
Jul. 16 It was the last day of my short summer holidays. After I went walking, I cooked dinner, too. I got very fres...
Jul. 15 It was the third day of my short summer holidays. I had been writing my diary almost all day long. Then I...
Jul. 9 I cooked dinner. Bonito Carpaccio Green Salad Roast Chicken with Potato Gratin Very good! 1st ...
Jul. 7 The high temperature in Tokyo today was 37℃. Tooooo much hoooot! I cooked dinner, Temaki-Sushi. Too delicio...
Jul. 2 I cooked dinner. Sashimi Green Salad Wagyu Beef Steak They were great! 1st Kizan Selection Chard...
Jun. 18 I cooked dinner, Temaki-Sushi. I got a lot of fresh seafoods at my favorite fish market. Super delicious...
Jun. 13 I cooked dinner. I got very fresh seafood. Grill and Sashimi Seafood Cocktail Green S...
Jun. 9 I cooked dinner. I got a very fresh Suzuki, a local sea fish, and cooked sashimi. I grilled the skin of f...
Jun. 5 I received an old friend and had a small wine dinner at my home. I cooked the dinner. I got a fresh snow crab an...