Oct. 19 I cooked dinner, Temaki-Suhi. There was a home-made “Salmon Caviar” from the egg of the salmon fish. Th...
Oct. 16 I cooked dinner. Sashimi Green Salad Wagyu Beef Steak with Purple Mashed Potato Purple Potato is made by...
Oct. 3 I cooked dinner, Temaki-sushi. Ikura, Salmon Cavier, was hand-made by dainajo-sama. Outstanding! ...
Sep. 28 I cooked dinner. Sashimi Edamame, Tofu and Green Salad Roast Chicken Very good! 1st Villa Anita Viur...
Sep. 13  No wine day Sep. 14 I cooked dinner. Tomato & Shrimp Bruschetta Green Salad Suzuki, Clam and Scal...
Sep. 1   No wine day Sep. 2 I cooked dinner, Temaki-Sushi. I tried to cook Oaka-Aji, whose name meant a red tail fish....
Aug. 27 I cooked dinner. Edamame Sashimi Bonito Carpaccio Green Salad Wagyu Beef Stake Very good! 1st Pierre...
Aug. 17 I cooked dinner, Temaki-Sushi. I found that it was the first Temaki-Sushi since last July 13th. I don’t remember...
Aug. 7 When I drove a car afternoon, I saw the car temperature indicator showed 40℃. I cooked dinner. Edamame Tomato ...
Aug. 3 I cooked dinner. Edamame Sashimi Green Salad Wagyu Beefsteak Very good! 1st Je t’ aime ?? ??  I don’t kno...
Jul. 25 It was hot, too much hot day. I felt a threat to life of mine. I cooked dinner. Edamame  Sashimi F...
Jul. 13Oh! Our website has changed perfectly! I cooked dinner, Temaki-sushi.I went to Zushi near a fishing port and g...