Apr. 15
No Wine Day
Apr. 16
I met a friend of some former business partner for the first time in a long time at S...
Apr. 14
It was a sunny Sunday.
In the past, I would always go somewhere, but now I can't do that because of nursing ca...
Apr. 12
The sprouts of Cabernet Sauvignon in the garden have appeared.
This will be the new treetops.
What kind...
Apr. 11
I weeded my garden for the first time in this year.
I didn’t know the situation of the garden was terrible.
Apr. 10
Today's dishes.
Marinated Hotaru-ika and Strawberries
Katsuo Tataki Chinese style
Baked Vegeta...
Mar. 8
No Wine Day
Mar. 9
I had a wine dinner with my wine friend and Shinjuku Tavern on S.
I come hear a lot.
Mar. 7
The cherry blossoms of the Tsurumi River, which flows near the house, are also in full bloom.
The cherry ...
Mar. 6
It’s a day of cleaning, laundry, cleaning up the garden, and all other household chores that I had been slacking...
Apr. 4
No Wine Day
Apr. 5
The cherry blossoms along the stream that flows very close to the house have blossomed....
Mar. 3
In the afternoon, I went to the city center for business meetings.
The cherry blossoms were beautiful.
Apr. 1
No Wine Day
Diary, resume.
Apr. 2
I joined in a wine party at Nakano Monfa.
The old staff from the Cave ...
Mar. 31
Even though it's only March, the maximum temperature in Tokyo is 28 degrees Celsius.
It's hot, it's hot.
The ...