Oct. 18 I received Mr. Philippe CARRANT, the president of Wine Overland in Paris, and Mr. Michael ROGERS, the sales dire...
Oct. 16 I went to some old traditional restaurant in Yushima and joined in an university class reunion. I couldn’t take ...
Oct. 16 I cooked dinner. Sashimi Green Salad Wagyu Beef Steak with Purple Mashed Potato Purple Potato is made by...
Oct. 14 I participated in “California Wine Grand Tasting in Tokyo 2015” at Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel. I sup...
Oct. 12 I organized a private wine party with my friends. It was a friendly potluck dinner at Japanese room. Everybod...
10/11 Oct. 11 I participated in a charity event for “Peace Village International” in German, which was established on Ju...
Oct. 9 I took a half day off afternoon and went to a city hall near by my home and enjoyed a Jazz concert played by Kats...
Oct. 8 We received Mr. Jean-Francois CHABOT from Foncalieu in Languedoc. Foncalieu is a corporative winery, which prod...
Oct. 7 I went to Hotel Happoen and had a booth at “Alsace & Rhone Wine Trading Show” organized by SOPEXA JAPON. W...
Oct. 5 I kept some damage hanging over yesterday. However, I drink, of course. 1st  Les Closerie des Lys Blan...
Oct. 4 I attended a wedding ceremony for Ms. Keiko Hatano, the secretary and store manager of Yurakucho Store in Cave d...
Oct. 3 I cooked dinner, Temaki-sushi. Ikura, Salmon Cavier, was hand-made by dainajo-sama. Outstanding! ...