Feb. 3
I had a business dinner at YMC.
I got a very good offer.
I am looking forward to making the new business.
We t...
Feb. 2
I cooked dinner.
Green Salad
Seafood Sauté with Potato Gratin
Very good!
1st Rubaiyat Kosh...
Feb. 1
Oh! February already has come!
I participated a small wine party with my old friends at Monfa in Nakano.
It oft...
Jan. 30
Oh! No!
January will soon finish.
1st Gassan Winery Koshu Sur Lie 2015 1840 yen
It is made from 100% Koshu g...
Jan. 29
I organized some private meeting at YWC.
Tomahawk Stake!
It was super delicious!
Very good job!
Jan. 27
I cooked dinner, Temaki-Sushi.
I got a fresh Yagara, which was a very long fish, and cooked it at first time....
Jan. 26
I participated in some private wine dinner party at Terra Magica in Machida.
We tasted many very fine Italy w...
Jan. 24
It was a so cold day.
1st Domaine Saint-Jacques d'Albas Blanc 2015 1500 yen New Arrivals
It is made f...
Jan. 23
I organized a wine seminar for staff of Ginza Restaurant Sky.
Not only the service staff but also the many co...
Jan. 22
It was the first day of Cave de Relax 18th Anniversary Sale.
We received surprisingly many customers.
As s...
Jan. 21
My iPhone 5s was broken by a battery heat expansion.
Then I bought an iPhone 7 today and moved all data.
It was ...
Jan. 20
It was the second day of the ski trip.
It was a so fine morning.
I enjoyed the powder snow and so beautifu...