Mar. 13 My sick seemed to be getting better little by little. Well, I want to be better. 1st Sample bottle white I r...
Mar. 12 I organized some meeting dinner at Yurakucho Wine Club (YWC). I chose a free drink dinner course today. You ca...
Mar. 10 I have kept cold symptoms for a long time. I went to a hospital. Doctor told me that you had a sinusitis. Th...
Mar. 9 I was in charge of a wine seminar at Kasumigaseki Knowrage Square. I talked about Japan Wine, its history, chara...
Mar. 8 I still had a bad feeling at my throat. I was going to have a No Wine Day but I couldn’t. 1st Joostenberg Chen...
Mar.7 I joined to some meeting dinner at some place.   Champagne, Nagano Chardonnay, Meaursault 1er Cru and Yoichi Pinot...
Mar. 6 It was a day-off today. I still felt some damage from the cold but I cooked dinner. Temaki-Sushi. That’s gre...
 Mar. 4 I returned to work but my throat was no good. I lost my voice. It was very difficult to talk. It was so inconven...
Mar. 3 My cold was slightly getting better. 1st Oriol Rossell Virolet Xarel-Lo 2012 1320 yen I think there were fine...
Mar. 2 My cold become worse to worst. I was completely down. I canaceled everthing today and went to bed. Unfortunate...
Feb. 28 My cold became worse. No Wine Day Mar. 1 My cold become worse and worse. I tasted wine but I couldn't feel ...
Feb. 27 I caught a cold. I felt a pain at my throat. The computer system of my office had a trouble. I couldn't wor...