Oct. 24 No Wine Day Oct. 25 It was a day-off. At first, I decided that I would never work, weed nor cook today...
Oct. 23 I organized a professional wine tasting party for the whole sale and the on-premise clients.   I showed t...
Oct. 22 It was a day-off. I went to my favorite fish market in the morning. Then I weeded my garden for 2 hours 30 mi...
Oct. 21 It was the first day of Cave de Relax October Sale. We had a surprisingly long cue of customers before ope...
Oct. 19 I received Mr. & Mrs. Visooth who is the owner of GranMonte Vineyards & Winery in Thailand. Visooth-sa...
Oct. 18 I cooked dinner. Sashimi Green Salad Pork & Apple Saute Blackberry Sauce...
Oct. 17 I had a wine tasting booth at Dexpo 2018, which was held by Kakuyasu, one of the biggest liquor retailers and r...
Oct. 15 We have a sales promotion for Cave de Relax New Arrivals at the store front of Toranomon. Why don’t you com...
Oct. 14 We held a secret wine sale at Toranomon Store from today. We didn’t announce it officially but many cust...
Oct. 13 I joined in some ceremony party, too. There was no wine. After the ceremony, I had a small Yakitori din...
Oct. 12 I joined in some ceremony and had a dinner. I brought Antugnac white wine and red wine. Thi...
Oct. 11 The ginkgo tree leaves near my store left before to be colored. They say a lot of salt in the ...