Dec. 27 I had a private dinner at some Italian Restaurant. It‘s the second time I have come here. All...
Dec. 25 No Wine Day Dec.26 I had some private dinner at some buffet restaurant. I tasted a bottle of Langued...
Dec. 24 It‘s Christmas Eve today. I went around to Roppongi Shop, Ginza Shop and Akihabara Shop from Toranomon. ...
Dec. 23 It was the annual “The Roast Chicken Day” in my home. I don’t know the reason why we cook chicken ...
Dec. 22 I participated in the annual wine dinner party at Monfa in Nakano. I have kept organizing this...
Dec. 20 No Wine Day Dec. 21 Our internet shop received a lot of order today. We have wine but th...
Dec. 19 I joined to some business Bounenkai. I forgot taking any photo.   I tasted white wine, white wine and red ...
Dec. 18 I cooked dinner. Sashimi Green Salad Vongole Bianco P...
Dec. 17 I joined in some private Bounenkai as well. I had nice Japanese dishes. I brought fine Japanese w...
Dec. 15 No Wine Day Dec. 16 It was the first day of Cave de Relax Christmas Sale. We...
Dec. 14 We  received Mr. Yasuhisa Ogiwara, the owenr & grape grower of Kisvin Winery in Yamanashi. He organized a ...
Dec. 12 No Wine Day Dec. 13 I organized my family Bounenkai. I cooked Temaki-Sushi. We had a Mont...