Nov. 28
It was the second day in Fukuoka.
I went to Riedel Shop Hakata Hakyu.
I talked with Ms. Surnaga, a member of the staff in Riedel Shop, about a wine business recently.
I am looking forward to jointing some event in the future.
I came back to Tokyo afternoon and worked off a lot of paper jobs.
After I came back home,
1st Araldica Cortese 2016 1030 yen
It was a very clean style of Piemonte white.
I like this fine citrus and nice fruits very much.
It healed my business trip fatigue.
2nd Araldica Barbera 2015 1030 yen
The red was a very clean style, too.
I felt very charming red berries and elegant tannins.
It was so tasty and easy to drink.
It also healed my fatigue.