A Happy New Year!

Jan. 1

A Happy New Year!

This diary goes into the 23th year!



I saw the first sunrise of this year from my home.



I visited to Kasuga Shrine, which is my host sharine.



Then I visited to Kegon-in Temple, which is my host temple.




Then I came back home and had New Year dishes.



They were very nice.


Then I had a relax time all day long.



Then I cooked dinner, Kimuchi-Nabe.



Very good!



1st Kizan Wine White 2021

The first wine in this year was Kizan White.

It is made from 100% Koshu grown in Yamanashi.

I was sure again this one was a perfect Koshu wine.

Very nice!



2nd Kizan Wine Red 2021

The first red wine in this year was Kizan, too.

It is made from 100% Black Queen grown in Yamanashi.

I couldn’t predict that you can taste such elegant Black Queen when I started writing this diary22 years ago.

Japan Wine has evolved very, very much.